Eagle Union Group Chat
Attention y'all! I just added the Commander to the group!
Northern Parliament Group Chat
Greetings, comrades, and welcome to our newly established group chat.
Dragon Empery Group Chat
Sardegna Empire Group Chat
I'm gonna make a FleetChat add-on gadget! I will dub it the Handy Dandy Notification Remindy!
Iron Blood Group Chat
I've been informed that our previous exercise has now been evaluated. The Commander is reviewing the results one last time.
Iris Orthodoxy Group Chat
I performed tasseography earlier to determine our luck for the day.
Sakura Empire Group Chat
Alright I did it. Is it working now?
Royal Navy Group Chat
Attention, my loyal subjects! My servant just accepted my invitation.
Tempesta Group Chat
Tempesta, shout if you're here!
General Chat
Hey girls, I've got an idea!
commander... can i take the day off?
Hey Commander, I read a travel guide and saw some ancient ruins I want to explore!
Do you remember the shower gel you suggested to me the other day?
Say, do you have any hobbies?
Portsmouth Adventure
do u want a foot pressure back massage?