Azur Lane Utility
Gacha Simulator
Chibi Viewer
Live2D Viewer
Aux Skin Viewer
Fleet Chat
Node Stats
eHP chart by Mebot
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From Zero to Hero
The Adventure Begins
Establishing a Party
Feet on the Ground
An Irregular Tutorial Village
The Castle and the King
Royal Capital Shopping
Mage of the Endless Woods
The Village Potion Maker
The Witch in the Tower
Legendary Heroes
They Came From the Sky
To Friede Village's Rescue
Attack on the Wall
All in a Day's Work
The Girls of the Withered Woods
The Vampire Hunters
The Pirates of Tempesta
Remnants of Bygone Days
The Eastern Fortress
The Western Fortress
The Central Fortress
Battle of the Armory
Battle of the Supply Base
Angel on a Mission
Fighting the Great Fire Dragon
Showdown with the Demon King
The Story Thereafter